The Stingiest Man in Town is a 1978 Christmas television special based on Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol created by Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass which featured traditional animation rather than the stop motion animation most often used by the company. It was an animated remake of a long-unseen, but quite well received, live-action musical special which had starred Basil Rathbone, Martyn Green, and Vic Damone. The live-action version had been telecast on December 23, 1956, on the NBC anthology series The Alcoa Hour, and was published on DVD in 2011, by VAI. The animated remake first aired December 23, 1978, in the United States on NBC, and was telecast in Japan the next day.
The Stingiest Man in Town (1978)
Directed by Arthur Rankin Jr. / Jules Bass
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Christmas, Film Based On Literature
Based On: A Christmas Carol
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
The Stingiest Man in Town