The Stepfather is a 1987 American psychological horror thriller film directed by Joseph Ruben and starring Terry O'Quinn, Jill Schoelen and Shelley Hack. O'Quinn stars as Henry Morrison, an identity-assuming serial killer who remarries a widow with a teenage daughter. After previously killing his family and changing his identity, his killing spree continues after his stepdaughter becomes suspicious about him. It is loosely based on the life of mass murderer John List, although the plot is more commonly associated with slasher films of the era than a true story. The film was written by Donald E. Westlake, from a story by Westlake, Carolyn Lefcourt and Brian Garfield.
The film was theatrically released January 23, 1987, in the United States. Upon its release, the film grossed $2.4 million at the box office and was well-received by critics. It has since gained a cult following and was followed by two sequels: Stepfather II (1989) and Stepfather III (1992), and a remake also called The Stepfather, released on October 16, 2009.