The Lost Language of Cranes is a 1991 British made-for-television drama film directed by Nigel Finch. It was adapted for television by Sean Mathias, based on the 1986 novel of the same name by David Leavitt. The film was produced by the BBC for their Screen Two series, and aired on 9 February 1992. It stars Brian Cox, Eileen Atkins, Angus Macfadyen, Corey Parker, Cathy Tyson, John Schlesinger, René Auberjonois, Ben Daniels and Nigel Whitmey. Cox was nominated for a British Academy Television Award for Best Actor.
The Lost Language of Cranes (1992)
Directed by Nigel Finch
Genres - Comedy Drama, Drama, Romance |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film |
Release Date - Feb 9, 1992 |
Run Time - 87 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Narrative Location: London
Alternate Titles
El lenguaje perdido de las grúas
Lyftkranarnas förlorade språk
The Lost Language of Cranes