The Deadlier Sex is a 1920 American silent drama-comedy film directed by Robert Thornby which stars Blanche Sweet and features Boris Karloff, and was distributed by Pathé Exchange. The screenplay was written by Fred Myton, based on a short story by Bayard Veiller. It was filmed in Truckee, California. This film was recently restored by the Academy Film Archive and still exists.
The Deadlier Sex (1920)
Directed by Robert Thornby
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, Silent Film |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama, Silent Feature, Silent Film |
Release Date - Mar 28, 1920 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Academy Film Archive, California, Truckee
Filming Location: California
Alternate Titles
Jernbanekongens Datter
Konung Dollar
The Deadlier Sex