Shah is a 2015 Pakistani biographical sports film directed and written by Adnan Sarwar. The film, produced under the Logos Films & Media banner, is based on the life of boxer Hussain Shah, who won the bronze medal at the 1988 Summer Olympics and became the only boxer in Pakistan's history to secure an Olympic medal. Adnan Sarwar underwent one year of boxing training to portray Hussain Shah. Other roles are portrayed by Kiran Chaudhary, Sardar Baloch, Adeel Wali Raees, and Gulab Chandio.
Shah (2015)
Directed by Adnan Sarwar
Genres - Biography, Drama, Sports |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film, Boxing Film |
Release Date - Aug 13, 2015 |
Run Time - 109 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Hussain Shah
Subject: Biographical about sportspeople, Boxing
Alternate Titles