Return to Innocence is a 2001 independent film directed by Rocky Costanzo and starring Richard Meese and Andrew Martin. The film is about Glen Erskine, who gets caught up in a child sex abuse case with Tommy Jackson. The screenplay for Return to Innocence was written by Gary M. Frazier and is based on his novel of the same title.
Return to Innocence (2001)
Directed by Rocky Costanzo
Genres - Comedy Drama, Drama |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film |
Release Date - May 5, 2001 |
Run Time - 110 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Abuse, Child, Coming Of Age/Teen, Glen Erskine, Sex, Tommy Jackson
Alternate Titles
Return to Innocence
Возврат к невиновности