Ram Kasam is a 1978 Bollywood action film directed by Chand, with music by Sonik Omi and lyrics by Verma Malik. The film is based on the Dacoity of the Chambal division; bandits of Morena and Chambal, thronging the locales of the mountainous valleys of the Chambal River. It has Sunil Dutt in a double role; as a simpleton, and as a dacoit, with love interests as Rekha and Bindiya Goswami. The film is an inspiring tale portraying ritualistic Hinduism and characters who show traits of their bloodline irrespective of the social setup that they have been forced into. The film was successful at the box office.
Ram Kasam (1978)
Directed by Chand
Genres - Action-Adventure |
Release Date - Jan 1, 1978 |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Bollywood, Chambal, Chambal River, Dacoity Of The Chambal Division, Morena, Sonik Omi, Verma Malik