Hot Rod Girl is an independent, black-and-white 1956 teen-oriented action film produced by Norman T. Herman, directed by Leslie H. Martinson and released by American International Pictures as a double feature with Girls in Prison. Hot Rod Girl stars Lori Nelson, Chuck Connors and John Smith. The film centers on efforts to keep hot-rodding teenagers from dangerous drag racing on city streets and having them move to the safety of a specialized drag strip, and the consequences when an aggressive newcomer to town goads them into street racing again.
Hot Rod Girl (1956)
Directed by Leslie H. Martinson
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Romance |
Release Date - Jul 4, 1956 |
Run Time - 79 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Action, American International Pictures, Chuck Connors, Feature, H. Martinson, Hot Rod, Prison, Report, Rod Girl, Stuntman
Alternate Titles
Agria thilyka se trohous thanatou
Giovani delinquenti
Hot Rod Girl