Fraud is a 2016 conceptual documentary film directed by Dean Fleischer Camp. The film is made up of re-edited homevideos uploaded to YouTube. It tells the fictional story of an average white American family of four obsessively shopping at Big Box stores until their increasing mountain of debt leads them to go to extremes in order to wipe the slate clean and keep the money flowing.
Fraud (2018)
Directed by Dean Fleischer Camp
Genres - Avant-garde / Experimental, Documentary |
Sub-Genres - Avant-Garde and Experimental, Collage Film |
Release Date - Aug 17, 2018 |
Run Time - 52 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Fleischer-camp, Marcel, New York Times, Roch-decter, Youtube
Alternate Titles