Bertie and Elizabeth is a 2002 television film directed by Giles Foster and produced by Carlton Television. The film explores the relationship between King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth from their first meeting to the King's death in the winter of 1952. Bertie and Elizabeth was commissioned especially for the Golden Jubilee of Elizabeth II and was first broadcast on ITV1 on 4 June 2002, only two months after the death of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. The role of Queen Mary was portrayed by Dame Eileen Atkins, a role she again played in season one of The Crown in 2016.
Bertie and Elizabeth (2002)
Directed by Giles Foster
Genres - Biography, Drama, History, Romance |
Sub-Genres - Biographical Film |
Release Date - Apr 2, 2002 |
Run Time - 120 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Abdication, Adaptation, Bertie, Birth, Coronation, Courtship, Crisis, Death, Divorcee, Elizabeth, England, Feature, George Vi, London Blitz, Love, Lung Cancer, Queen, Queen Mother, Report, Royal Family, Royal Wedding, Royalty, Tale, War
Subject: Biographical about royalty
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Bertie and Elizabeth
Bertie e Elizabeth
Bertie és Elizabeth