Bar Girls is a lesbian-themed romantic comedy film written by Lauran Hoffman, adapted by Hoffman from her stage play of the same name for the screen in 1994. Starring Nancy Allison Wolfe, Liza D'Agostino, Camila Griggs and Michael Harris and directed by Marita Giovanni.
Bar Girls (1994)
Directed by Marita Giovanni
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, Romance |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film, Romantic Comedy |
Release Date - Sep 15, 1994 |
Run Time - 93 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - R
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Agostino, Comedy, Hoffman, Lgbtq, Michael Harris, Screen, Stage
Alternate Titles
Bar Girls
Clube de Garotas