A Chipmunk Christmas is an animated Christmas television special based on characters from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Produced by Bagdasarian Productions in association with Chuck Jones Enterprises, it first aired on NBC December 14, 1981, nine years after the death of Alvin and the Chipmunks creator Ross Bagdasarian, Sr.. This was the first time that Alvin, Simon and David Seville were voiced by Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. and the first time that Theodore was voiced by Janice Karman.
A Chipmunk Christmas (1981)
Directed by Phil Monroe
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Music |
Sub-Genres - Christmas Film, Musical |
Release Date - Dec 14, 1981 |
Run Time - 30 min. |
MPAA Rating - G
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Chipmunk, Christmas, Harmonica, Holiday
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
A Chipmunk Christmas
Alvin and the Chipmunks: A Chipmunk Christmas
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