Reg E. Cathey

Reg E. Cathey

Active - 1988 - 2023  |   Birth - Aug 18, 1958  |   Death - Feb 9, 2018  |   Genres - Drama, Comedy, Action-Adventure, Crime, Thriller | Subgenres - Satire, Biographical Film, Comedy Drama, Superhero Film, Black Comedy Film

Biography by Wikipedia

Reginald Eurias Cathey was an American actor. He was best known for his roles as Norman Wilson in The Wire, Martin Querns in Oz, the game show announcer in Square One Television, Dr. Franklin Storm in the 2015 reboot of Fantastic Four, and Freddy Hayes in House of Cards, the latter earning him three consecutive Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series, including a win in 2015.

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