Controlled Conversations (Polish: Rozmowy kontrolowane) is a Polish film released in 1991, directed by Sylwester Chęciński. This very black comedy finds humor in what was otherwise a terrifying time: the outbreak of Martial Law in Poland in 1981. Starring Stanisław Tym as Ryszard, a gullible and mildly corrupt government functionary, and Krzysztof Kowalewski as Colonel Zygmunt Molibden, a member of the Polish secret police, Controlled Conversations is a brilliantly funny but extremely hermetic (for non-Poles) examination of the rise of an accidental hero.
Calls Controlled (1991)
Directed by Sylwester Checinski
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Colonel Zygmunt Molibden, Government, Martial Law, Poland, Polish, Ryszard, Sylwester Ch, Tym
Narrative Location: Poland
Alternate Titles
Calls Controlled
Controlled Conversations
Kontrolované hovory
Rozmowy Kontrolowane
Rozmowy kontrolowane
Контролируемые разговоры