★★★ ½

Thanks to cute and funny CGI animals and a story with plenty of dramatic themes, there’s a lot to like about Ferdinand. The movie tells the tale of Ferdinand (voiced by John Cena), a pacifist who doesn’t quite fit the mold of a Spanish fighting bull. These bulls, raised on the Casa del Toro ranch, grow up with a singular purpose: to win the honor of fighting the top matadors for glory and their possible freedom. But rather than jockeying to be chosen for this so-called honor, Ferdinand would rather smell flowers. After an accident at a local flower festival, Ferdinand is separated from his family, and his journey unfolds from there.

The movie is a bit long and unwieldy at times, and the comic relief might not be frequent or energetic enough for younger audiences. Still, it’s forgivable because Ferdinand manages to tug at the viewers’ heartstrings. The film hints at the sadness that lies behind the death of innocence -- an inherent cost of growing up and joining the world as an adult. It also examines the conflict between societal expectations and living life on one’s own terms. as well as the triumph of an individual’s will over the narrow choices that society imposes. Sensitive audiences who identify with Ferdinand may find the story rather moving, while other viewers will still enjoy the zany cast of characters and their adventures.