Wilfred North

Active - 1913 - 1935  |   Born - Jan 16, 1863   |   Died - Jun 3, 1935   |   Genres - Drama, Romance, Crime

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An important director of the early silent screen, British-born Wilfred North helmed Vitagraph's controversial 1915 war-preparedness film The Battle Cry for Peace (1915), a powerful call for the United States to join the Allied fight against imperialistic Germany. North's directorial career waned in the latter part of the decade, but he did helm the potentially interesting, although now lost, His Brother's Keeper (1920 -- released 1921), a melodrama dealing with "mind control." His directorial career came to an end in 1922, and North turned to acting instead, often cast as pompous characters such as judges or politicians. He became an extra after the changeover to sound.

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