City Confidential : Austin: Empty Graves (2001)

Genres - Crime  |   Sub-Genres - Law & Crime, Social History  |   Run Time - 60 min.  |   Countries - United States  |  
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Synopsis by Sarah Ing

Nestled within the rolling hill country of central Texas is the largest state university in the nation. As the capital and political center, Austin houses an eclectic collection of good ol' boys and outspoken liberals. A&E's City Confidential: Austin -- Empty Graves takes the viewer to the hot summer of 1995 when the city lost its innocence. Remembered as the atheist who separated church and state for good, Madeline Murray O'Hare was both loved and hated. Her home in Austin was a base for non-believers to converge. But, when O'Hare turned up missing along with her son, foul play was immediately suspected. A&E follows the search for O'Hare and the surprising results of a worldwide scandal.



mystery [whodunit], city, secrets, investigation, frame-up, missing, scandal