Vernon Sewell

Active - 1933 - 1981  |   Born - Jan 1, 1903   |   Genres - Drama, Mystery, War

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Biography by AllMovie

British director Vernon Sewell started out in the very early 1930s as a cameraman and editor. After his "ordeal by snow" as a member of Michael Powell's crew on the landmark 1937 docudrama The Edge of the World, Sewell turned to writing and directing. Sewell specialized in ghost and horror stories, often cannily filmed on the lowest of budgets: to save costs on The Ghost Ship (1952) for example, the director lensed the entire picture on his own yacht. His best directorial efforts include such hair-raisers as The Lantin Quarter (1945), The Crimson Cult (1967) and Burke and Hare (1971). Vernon Sewell was also one of the principal directors of the internationally popular British TV adventure series The Avengers.

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