Emil Nofal

Active - 1965 - 1980  |   Born - Jan 1, 1926   |   Died - Jan 1, 1986   |   Genres - Drama, Comedy

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Biography by AllMovie

Filmmaker Emil Nofal teamed up with Jans Rautenbach in 1964 to form a production company. Their collaboration aroused the ire of conservative South Africans and the constant suspicions of censors who did not always catch the heavily disguised meaning of their highly symbolic allegories. Like many other South African filmmakers, the two use many stereotypes; unlike their peers, they use them creatively in their stories to make their point. Prior to the collaboration, Nofal had been a documentarian known for his frequent clashes with the Publicatins Control Board, the National Party, and the Dutch Reformed Church. His first film was Rip van Wyk (1960).